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以INTJ自居是怎样一种心理?MBTI 测试能否主观改变测试

来源: 健康界 时间: 2022-04-27 08:58:27



Interpreting MBTI® Results

The administrator must use terms and descriptors that are nonjudgmental and describe type attributes as tendencies, preferences, or inclinations rather than as absolutes. Biased terms may slant interpretation or send messages that a particular preference is "good" or "not desirable".

The administrator should be careful not to over generalize or over simplify results and imply that all people of a certain type behave the same way.

One should not state or imply that type explains everything. Type does not reflect an individual"s ability, intelligence, likelihood of success, emotions, or normalcy. Type is one important component of the complex human personality.

The administrator should not impose the results on the respondent nor become defensive if the respondent disagrees with the reported results or does not believe they are accurate. One should explore the perceived differences and help the respondent to be comfortable with themselves.

Administrators need to be aware of, and sensitive to their own type biases and exert every effort to present feedback in an objective way.

It is unethical and in many cases illegal to require job applicants to take the Indicator if the results will be used to screen out applicants. The administrator should not counsel a person to, or away from, a particular career, personal relationship or activity based solely upon type information.

Administrators should accurately represent their competence and experience to clients.

Administrators should continually upgrade their knowledge of the Indicator and advances in the understanding and application of type through education (workshops, seminars, conferences), reading, or other means.

Administrators should provide the respondent with materials that describe all 16 types.


标签: 拉帮结派 专业人士 原始数据